Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Child's Prayer

If you've ever attempted to ask a 6-yr-old what they either did at school or camp today the answer is usually pretty short and vague at best--"We played." However, the past few nights I've encouraged my daughter Landon to break from her typical "Now I lay me down to sleep..." and opt for a "big girl prayer" where she could just talk to God about what's been on her little heart. While listening to these conversations, I really got the opportunity to see and hear what's been rattling around in her little head. Tonight as she kneeled down to pray, she began a 5-minute long devotional asking God traveling mercies for Angela's safe return trip home from Cali. Wooow!

Parents, godparents, aunts, aunties, and uncles, I encourage you all to take a few minutes and listen to what our little ones are saying to God. In fact, it's really not a bad idea if we simply join them in sending up a knee-mail thanking Him for all that He's done and all that He'll do when we rise.

About the Author:
 James Hackley earned a B.S. degree in Physics from Longwood College and an M.S. degree in Engineering from the University of Virginia.  He faithfully attends Holy & Whole Life Changing Ministries International in Lansdowne, Va., and his latest book, Body, Mind & Spirit: The Awakening can be purchased by visiting him at www.jameshackley.com , www.Amazon.com, and http://www.barnesandnoble.com.

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